Reviewer can be reached at lunacy@dc.seflin.org
Last updated: 06/19/00

Please make sure to read the EXPLANATORY NOTES before reading these reviews.

This is a combined file of both general and alternative fiction reviews. The alternative stories are designated as such with an [Alt] at the end of the title line.

Definition of Warlord/Slave fiction

**HOSTAGE by a href="https://lunacyreviews.ausxip.com/BL_Miller.shtm.htm">B L Miller -- [Alt]
B L Miller is back and she is bearing a gift for us all in the form of this EXCEPTIONAL new story. One of the defining qualities of B.L.'s writing has always been its originality. In every one of her works one can find some unique touch that had never been done prior to B.L. This is true once again with HOSTAGE which is a warlord/slave story with a twist. It begins with a conversation among the gods - a conversation which soon turns hostile resulting in a challenge. Before long Xena and Gabrielle's world is turned upside down as the Warrior Princess finds herself wondering what she is doing in the company of an Amazon, and Gabrielle meets for the first time the warlord who once terrified most of Greece. The ordeal to come will test them both as never before, ultimately providing the opportunity for the love between them to surface... or destroying that love forevermore. Those crazy Amazons are back of course complementing a storyline that is wonderfully clever, shocking, poignant and VERY passionate. This is B.L. at her most entertaining. NOT TO BE MISSED guys! VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! - 10/26/97
FANFIC ART: a href="http://members.aol.com/Marthom53/Hostage/Page1.html">B L Miller Story Cover

HOW THIN THE VEIL by a href="https://lunacyreviews.ausxip.com/Bel-Wah.shtm.htm">Bel-Wah - [Alt]
Gripping, shocking and poignant all at once, Bel-wah's latest is a riveting warlord/slave story that picks up the exploits of the feared Warrior Princess just before she and her army decimate the town of Poteidaia collecting a new batch of slaves among them one young farm girl whose defiant emerald gaze soon draws the attention of her new master. Determined to exercise her power over the slave, Xena soon finds herself rationalizing decisions that seem to be favoring the Poteidaian instead - seeing those green eyes in her thoughts and wanting desperately to protect her against the life she herself can't seem to escape. Painting a very harsh but also sympathetic picture of Xena, Bel-Wah will have you running an emotional gamut throughout this right along with the Warrior Princess. DO NOT MISS! - 14 pgs., 10/17/99

**HUNS (THE) by a href="https://lunacyreviews.ausxip.com/Eimajj.shtm.htm">Eimajj
Eimajj has brought us some fine XWP fan fiction in the past, including THE CONTEST, THE DILEMMA and the highly emotional A MOTHER'S PLEA. THE HUNS is the follow-up to this last story and with it Eimajj comes into her own as truly one of the finest bards in the Xenaverse to date. This tale is simply put - an EXPERIENCE. As is often the case with truly great stories, THE HUNS has everything -tremendous action scenes, suspense, gripping human drama, and a grand, epic plot based solidly on the indomitable heart of a Warrior Princess and the bard that means everything to her. The story begins soon after the events in A MOTHER'S PLEA with Xena and Gabrielle searching for signs of the Hun invasion Ares' threatened them with. Once they find the unmistakable and very gruesome proof of the Huns' passing it becomes clear to the warrior that to stop this enemy they will have to risk it all - their friends, their families, their lives and perhaps their very souls. As Gabrielle heads off to enlist the aid of the Amazons and Centaurs, Xena makes the only decision she can - to embrace the darkness once again, become the Warrior Princess of old, conquer the soul of an army and bury the memory of a bard deep inside. Riveting and intense, this tale features a characterization of Xena not unlike what we saw in the TV episode THE PRICE or the recently concluded alt. fan fic masterpiece ORIGINS by M. Parnell. Eimajj's storytelling will have you on the edge of your seat 'til the very end! VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! Note: the story has very subtle subtext. - 9/9/97
FANFIC ART: a href="http://members.wbs.net/homepages/c/h/a/chakram1/art11.html">"Flames of Passion" by Lunar
[Palm Pilot version available at a href="http://xenadocs.freeservers.com/eimajj.htm">XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]

IF MEMORY SERVES by a href="https://lunacyreviews.ausxip.com/Marie_E_Costa.shtm.htm">Marie E. Costa
Emotional tale that has Gabrielle driven to desperate means when Xena loses any memory of the past two years, reverting to her warlord ways. - 5/26/97

INNAMORATA by a href="https://lunacyreviews.ausxip.com/Sharon_Bowers.shtm.htm">SL Bowers -- [Alt]
The third entry in the CHIAROSCURO SERIES has Ares playing a cruel trick on Xena as he tempts her with the allure of power and lust that were central to the warlord she once was. Xena finds herself in an alternate world - a world in which the Warrior Princess rules as the conqueror of much of Greece with a beautiful lover by her side and power in both their hands. Deep within her heart though, Xena senses something is missing - a presence from another life she goes to search for in a little village called Poteidaia...

Alternative Reviews:
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y  

General Reviews:
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J-K   L   M   N   O   P-Q   R   Sa   Sn   T   U-V   W   X-Z  

Uber-Xena and Original Fiction Reviews:
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J-K   L   M   N   O   P-Q   R   Sa   Sn   T   U-V   W   X-Z  

Warlord/Slave Reviews:
A-C   D-F   G-I   J-L   M-O   P-R   S-U   V-Z

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