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Last updated: 12/10/00

Please make sure to read the EXPLANATORY NOTES before reading these reviews.

This is a combined file of both general and alternative fan fiction reviews. The alternative stories are designated as such with an [Alt] at the end of the title line.

Note: Mel/Janice fan fiction stories are about the characters of Melinda Pappas and Janice Covington introduced in the Xena: Warrior Princess TV series. These stories sometimes feature also the characters of Xena and Gabrielle. Reviews of stories which revolved primarily around Xena and Gabrielle but include Mel and Janice are listed both in this index and in either the general or alternative indexes for Xena fan fiction reviews. Stories which feature Mel and Janice in addition to other uber incarnations of Xena and Gabrielle are listed both here and in the reviews of Uber-Xena fiction.

**GABRIELLE STELE (THE) by a href="">Wishes
Action-packed Mel/Janice story that has the spunky anthropologist and her Southern belle companion running around Egypt, dodging Nazis, the British authorities, and a slew of ruthless sorts in a quest to locate the pieces of a tablet they believe tells a lost tale about the Warrior Princess and the Amazon bard. As is usually the case with a Wishes tale - the writing is excellent with wonderful characterizations and an intriguing storyline. This was the first general fiction Mel/Janice story released on the Web. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! [Do not miss the sequel THE XENA CORE] - 7/25/97
FANFIC ART: a href="">"Janice Covington Doll" by Barbara Maclay

GIRL'S NIGHT OUT by a href="">NinjaBabe
Mel and Janice enjoy a night out in New York. This story is just plain cute! It takes a few liberties with the timeline but hey - this is fan fiction - bards ARE allowed. - 9/15/97

**GOING HOME by a href="">LZClotho - [Alt]
Set shortly after the events in the episode THE XENA SCROLLS, LZClotho's first Mel/Janice story finds the new friends collaborating in an effort to get the scrolls, Xena's chakram and themselves out of Greece. With few options available, the two embark on a journey that will take them into a world filled with danger, betrayal, and espionage, strengthening a friendship that began long before either was born and reawakening the courage of an ancient warrior and bard. This veteran author once again delivers a well-written tale with solid characterizations and a rather original depiction of Mel in particular. DO NOT MISS! [See the sequel HOME FRONT] - 182 pgs., 7/18/99
[Palm Pilot version available at a href="">XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]

HARDEST LESSON TO LEARN (THE) by a href="">Visitor
Short little vignette that has Xena teaching a hard lesson across the eons to her descendant Mel Pappas who like the Warrior Princess before her finds herself fearful of admitting how she feels to the person who means most of all. - 4 pgs., 7/2/97

HOME FIRES by a href="">LZClotho - [Alt]
In this sequel to HOME FRONT things have settled down a bit for Mel and Janice as the Southerner deals with social responsibilities and Janice establishes herself at the university but the road they've chosen in order to be together will not mean for an easy life in a town known for its old traditions. With hostile relatives to think about, appearances to maintain, and old demons to struggle with, the two will be tested as their relationship continues to grow and deepen. LZClotho continues to do a nice job in this series of integrating the uber-archetypes into the world that was the American South in the 1940s. Her Mel and Janice are both strong, passionate, compelling women - well-matched despite their surface differences. A good continuation to a fine series. One to watch in the weeks ahead. [unfinished] - 14 pgs., 4/26/00

HOME FIRES by a href="">Roo - [Alt]
Original new Mel/Janice story set in Australia where Mel has begun a new life without a certain archeologist - a life much closer to what family and social expectations demands from her. Only that archeologist isn't about to give up quite so easily... Roo gives us a refreshing sense of realism in this story addressing the fears, social and family pressures that sometimes keep people from being true to themselves. The characterizations are strong with a particularly dignified portrayal of Janice that makes her very appealing. Solid read. - 70 pgs., 11/30/99

a href=""> Calli Story Cover
a href=""> "Illustration - Home Fires" by Lori Puster
a href=""> "Illustration - Janice" by Lori Puster
[Palm Pilot version available at a href="">XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]
[French version: LE REPOS DE LA GUERRIÈRE translated by Katell at a href="">]

**HOME FRONT by a href="">LZClotho - [Alt]
This sequel to LZClotho's GOING HOME finds Mel and Janice stateside at last but faced with a rather tense situation as an unemployed Janice looks for a job and the two try to adjust to the presence of Mel's mother at the Pappas' North Carolina plantation. LZClotho continues to deliver in this sequel a very solid, appealing depiction of her heroines, revealing their vulnerabilities and insecurities without undermining the strength of the characters. The romance has a very tender, protective quality that recalls that of Mel and Janice's ancient ancestors. DO NOT MISS! [See the sequel HOME FIRES] - 111 pgs., 11/18/99
[Palm Pilot version available at a href="">XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]

**HOUSE ON REDMEN'S HILL by a href="">Rachel2 -- [Alt]
This is the third installment in Rachel2's outstanding Mel/Janice series which began with THE AEGIS and then continued in TERROR IN THE AMAZON. In this new offering the spunky archeologist and her partner are headed for a well-deserved vacation in New England but as usual, with the penchant these two have for finding trouble, it isn't long before the vacation has turned just a taaaaaad more exiting than they were counting on. The warning bells first go off when instead of a quaint New England cottage - the two find themselves lodging in a mansion - a somewhat spooky abode which soon has Janice wondering if she hasn't gotten hit on the head just one too many times ;-) With dangers both real and imagined surrounding them, the two women nevertheless have more immediate concerns as their relationship continues to grow and deepen revealing possibilities neither had dreamed off before. Rachel2 gives a marvelous treatment to this relationship in the series, taking it from the point of platonic friends to the discovery of something more and culminating in an acceptance of just what they mean to one another in this latest story. The story is intriguing, funny at times, sweet, romantic and TIMELY considering that this week IS Halloween and parts of this are definitely SPOOKY! A wonderful read, this is VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! - 10/27/97
AWARDS: a href="">"Getting Serious" Swollen Bud Award (July 15, 2000)
FANFIC ART: a href="'S">"Mel And Janice Dolls" by Barbara Maclay

I'D RATHER RIDE AROUND WITH YOU by a href="">MythBard - [Alt]
Sweet Mel/Janice piece that chronicles a milestone of sorts in their relationship when the archeologist shows up just as Mel is getting ready to go to her cousin's wedding and convinces her instead to spend a carefree afternoon with her. - 4 pgs., 8/30/99

**IS THERE A DOCTOR ON THE DIG by a href="">Bat Morda - [Alt]
Absolutely delightful story which reunites our favorite archeologist and her Southern Belle of a companion, Janice and Mel from the XENA SCROLLS episode - this time in an alt. story (it's WILD what can I say!). Bat's latest has everything - adventure, suspense, COMEDY, romance, wild, - well, you know ;-) Not to worry, Xena and Gab DO make an appearance and the passages about them happen to be some of the loveliest and most moving I've ever read in XWP fiction. This is NOT TO BE MISSED! The first-ever Mel/Janice story released and a true classic! It carries my HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION! [See also L. Graham's PRELUDE TO A DIG and Bat's own sequel THE SEARCH FOR AMPHIPOLIS]
AWARDS: a href="">"Getting Serious" Swollen Bud Award (May 1, 2000)

a href="">Barron Story Cover
a href="">Barron Fan Fiction Special Edition Story Cover
a href="">"Mel In Tux" by Barbara Maclay
a href="">"Mel In Tux Doll" by Barbara Maclay
[Palm Pilot version available at a href="">XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]

IT'S ALL IN THE SYNTAX by a href="">Rhiannon Silverflame - [Alt]
Cute vignette that has Mel and Janice disagreeing over the exact translation of a passage from one of Gabrielle's scrolls. Rhiannon is on the money with her characterization of the archeologist. - 3 pgs., 2/23/99

Alternative Reviews:
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y  

General Reviews:
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J-K   L   M   N   O   P-Q   R   Sa   Sn   T   U-V   W   X-Z  

Uber-Xena and Original Fiction Reviews:
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J-K   L   M   N   O   P-Q   R   Sa   Sn   T   U-V   W   X-Z  

Warlord/Slave Reviews:
A-C   D-F   G-I   J-L   M-O   P-R   S-U   V-Z

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