Reviewer can be reached at lunacy@dc.seflin.org
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MADNESS by Sarah Miller
Set during and after the episode THE FURIES, this thoughtful tale features a Gabrielle forced to confront her feelings for the Warrior Princess when Xena's madness takes their relationship in an unexpected direction. Sarah's
dialogue is very direct and effective in a surprisingly poignant story. - 9 pgs., 8/30/99
Powerful stream of consciousness piece set during the events in ADVENTURES IN THE SIN TRADE which chronicles Xena's tortured thoughts as she searches for a way to reunite with her bard. Emotional tale with an almost poetic quality to it. - 5 pgs., 11/13/98
Aided by the magic of some very special mushrooms, and the intervention of a rather timely guest star, the bard finally lets go of ALL her inhibitions regarding a certain Warrior Princess - much to Xena's dismay...and secret delight. Very cute. - 5 pgs., 7/20/98
MAGIC POTION by Paymaster
Xena and the Gabster loose all their inhibitions thanks to a certain potion...or maybe just thanks to the magic they themselves create. Nice, romantic little tale. - 6 pgs., 4/10/98
Sizzling little story from fanfic's premier romantic that has the warrior and bard weathering a storm in a cave, when they decide to start a little storm of their own ;-) Beautifully written, passionate MUST READ! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! - 10 pgs., 2/97
[Palm Pilot version available at XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]
An emotional story which links the life of a grieving Xena with a young, terminally ill woman living in the present day who as if by magic finds herself traveling to the Ancient past and giving two hearts cruelly separated by Fate the chance to meet again. well written and poignant. - 80 pgs., 5/27/98
**MAKE ME by Suzar
A very intense and rather unconventional look at the dynamics between Xena and Gabrielle and how these work to keep the warrior grounded amidst the violence in her life. Revolving around the fierce passions battlelust can inspire, this story has a poignant grittiness to it that will hit you right in the guts. It is likely not everyone's cup of tea but it is certainly a powerful cup at that. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! [Note: story features rough language.] - 3 pgs., 7/16/98
**MANTIC by Baermer
Another of my favorite bards returns with an exceptional new story to help keep away the summer doldrums. MANTIC begins innocently enough with the warrior and bard at an inn where both are busy doing what they do best - Gabrielle telling her stories, Xena protecting her bard ;-) However, the moment is just the calm before a storm which starts brewing the instant a messenger arrives with a mysterious summons...a summons for the bard...a message asking her to travel into Persian territory. Along with a VERY suspicious Xena, the bard begins a journey which will engulf her in deadly intrigue while offering her an opportunity also to at last explore a dormant potential within herself. This story is firmly centered around all the things Baermer excels at - a wonderfully solid, stoic, protective depiction of the Warrior Princess - an equally well-done characterization of Gabrielle focusing on the bard's nobility and guts - a treatment of the relationship which speaks of devotion and love - some of those great hurt/comfort moments Baermer does so well - and a carefully crafted plot full of political machinations and suspense. This is riveting guys. A MUST READ! VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! [See the follow-up tale THE LOST TRIBE OF THE KAPRU KALE] - 38 pgs., 5/31/98
[Palm Pilot version available at XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]
Clotho's latest takes Xena and the bard back to Amazonia where Gabrielle finds herself under pressure to choose between the royal mask and the warrior who owns her heart. All the while enemies, both new and old, are closing in. Nicely written with strong, believable characterizations and a well-crafted plot, this is another MUST READ from this talented bard. DO NOT MISS!! - 76 pgs., 9/7/98, re-released 1/5/99
[Palm Pilot version available at XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]
**MARKS by Purple Pen
Set immediately after the episode A FAMILY AFFAIR, this beautiful, poignant little story chronicles the warrior and bard's first tentative efforts at reaching out to one another after the harrowing ordeals they've lived through. Culminating in a very touching, spiritual and physical reaffirmation of their love, the tale is well-written and heartwarming. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! - 7 pgs., 8/3/99
This is a DELIGHTFUL story that is going to leave you grinning from ear to ear! When a deadly opponent challenges Gabrielle for the Amazon throne, the only solution if she is to stay alive is for someone to champion her but in the Queen's case only her official mate can be designated as champion. Never being one to let liiiiitle things like this stop her, Xena immediately proposes to the bard after which plans are soon under way for the joining ceremony. A concerned Ephiny helps although she's certain the goddess Artemis will not approve of the union and worse...that Xena and Gabrielle will never be able to convince the Amazon nation that they're truly in love... The characterization of Ephiny in this story is simply priceless! - dense doesn't even come close!! Well-written and tons of FUN!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! - 14 pgs., 6/97
FANFIC ART: Ciegra Story Cover
[French version: LE MARIAGE DE XENA ET GABRIELLE translated by Kaktus at http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Land/8379/mariagexg.html]
[Palm Pilot version available at XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]
**MATCHMAKER by Katrina
Based on a clever premise, this new tale is going to put a grin on your face with chapter one. The story has a VERY concerned Toris asking Xena for help when he overhears his mom talking with Gabrielle's mom about matchmaking and assumes the two mothers are going to try to make a match between him and Lilla. Little do they know that although correct about the matchmaking efforts - Torris has gotten the principals all wrong... >:) A really fun read. - 93 pgs., 7/11/97
[Palm Pilot version available at XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]
**MATTER OF PRIDE (A) by Missy Good
Missy continues the JOURNEY OF SOULMATES SERIES which started her out on her unlikely journey in this fandom with the fifteenth installment in this much-loved saga of the Warrior Princess and her bard. As our story commences the two are living an unusually peaceful life in Amphipolis, helping to chart the town's rapid growth, trying to keep Dori in one piece, and as always, enjoying one another. It's a quiet time destined to end all too quickly when the recent prosperity they helped to bring to Amphipolis attracts some unwelcome attention forcing the warrior and bard to once again take to the road - this time to represent the interests of their family and neighbors in a whole different arena. Along the way though, they'll revisit the usual challenges of life on the road, have opportunities to once again use those "many skills", and take the time to have one or two of those heart-to-hearts Missy has elevated to a new art form in her stories. Indisputably the most prolific fanfic writer in this fandom and possibly the Internet, Missy has honed her skills with each new novel to the point where her writing, strong to begin with, now flows with an easiness and sophistication that makes her stories a true pleasure to read. Her characters are designed with a depth and richness that makes them come alive in a way that even eclipses the live ones we see in the TV series. Still in its initial stages, this newest addition to her formidable body of work promises to entertain us, and delight us and move us through the end of the sixth season and beyond. Something DEFINITELY to look forward to. A MATTER OF PRIDE gets my HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION! [unfinished] - 56 pgs., 3/11/01
Our very own mistress of mayhem is back with a new parody certain to cause...er...mayhem! >:) Determined to make sure his widow finds happiness, Perdicus orchestrates a little Mating Game to help Gabrielle choose that perfect match. Among the contestants? - A dark and deadly ex-warlord, a fish ;-) and...THE CHORUS!!! Yeap - those riming darlings are back and intent on enticing one not-so-innocent bard into polygamy! For one of the most interesting views of the Xenaverse around, reading Joanna is simply a MUST! Check on that funny bone insurance policy and run to this one. DO NOT MISS! - 11 pgs., 12/7/98, re-released 3/11/01
[Palm Pilot version available at XENA FAN FICTION FOR THE PALM PILOT]
A continuation of the story begun in MIDNIGHT CONFESSION, this tale has Gabrielle still struggling with the memories of Dahak and the cruel tricks he used to break her when she and Xena visit a village in the midst of a festival. Learning of the tradition among the villagers calling for everyone to wear a disguise during the festivities, the Warrior Princess decides to take the opportunity to try to calm Gabrielle's fears - even accepting some godly assistance in the process. Very devoted depiction of the relationship in this. [See the sequel NOW AND FOREVER] - 5 pgs., 12/3/98
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