What's New - Sept./Oct. 2000
Reviewer can be reached at
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Please make sure to read the EXPLANATORY NOTES before reading these reviews.
Alternative stories are designated as such with an [Alt] at the end of the title line.
If you would like to receive an e-mail notification whenever I add new reviews or make any changes to the site you can subscribe to the a href="">Lunacy-Updates list.
**NOTE: These older "What's New" pages may contain references to sites, stories, fanfic art and other material that is no longer available on the web or that has changed addresses. I do not keep these older "What's New" pages current so if you find a broken link for a story or fanfic art piece take a look at the listing for the same story/fanfic art in the various indexes on the MAIN PAGE to see if it's listed in one of those with the correct address. |
Saturday, 10/28/00 |
I've converted the Uber-Xena Fan Fiction Contents Guide into a MIVA (XML) database making it a lot more interactive. It now acts as a combined index listing my uber reviews by title, author, type (alternative, general), MJ (Mel/Janice stories), uber-Xena, uber-Gab, time and location. The guide is in the form of table with columns for each of these categories. You can sort the columns by clicking on the column heading. The sorted column will appear in gray. For more information on how to best use the guide make sure to read HOW TO USE THE UBER-XENA FF CONTENTS GUIDE.
NOTE: The guide may still have some bugs in there. If anyone notices errors in there, things that are sorted incorrectly, etc. or if you have suggestions for improvement please let me know at
DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND TAXES: A COMEDY by a href="">Trisha Von Doss (Xenamour) - [Alt]
FALL (THE) by a href="">C Paradee - [Alt]
GHOST OF A CHANCE by a href="">DJWP - [Alt]
IN THE KINGDOM OF HORSES by a href="">Mary Morgan - [Alt]
RUN, ALICE, RUN by a href="">Verrath
YOU'VE GOT SCROLLS by a href="">Advocate, a href="">Fanatic and a href="">T. Novan - [Alt]
DEATH CULT OF LYDIA (THE) by a href="">Susan Smith - new chapter
TROPICAL HIGH by a href="">Missy Good - new parts
JUST BETWEEN PLANETS by a href="">G.L. Dartt - [Alt]
a href=""> "Gabrielle" [untitled] by L.J. Maas
- Inspired by the story JOURNEY'S END by a href="">L.J. Maas
a href=""> "The Conqueror" [untitled] by L.J. Maas
- Inspired by the story JOURNEY'S END by a href="">L.J. Maas
Wednesday, 9/20/00 |
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The Xenaverse has lost one of its own. I was saddened to learn yesterday that fanfic bard Frances Spinella passed away back in April. Frances contributed a number of uber novels to the fandom including BLACK RAGE, SOVEREIGN, and TWEETY. On behalf of fanfic readers everywhere, our condolences to her friends and family. For those of you who enjoyed Frances' novels or haven't had a chance to read them yet, those are still available at a href=""> but they will likely be taken down eventually so make sure to save those immediately and take the time to send a silent thank you to Frances for her contributions to the Xenaverse. |
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a href="">MIKEE PM'S UBER SELECT by Mikee
Hebrew site featuring links to sites containing uber stories. Also includes a separate listing for Israeli authors.
Removed the following stories from the LOST STORIES page since they are now once again available on the Web. |
BAD SEX by a href="">WordWarior - [Alt]
DUNE (THE) by a href="">WordWarior - [Alt]
ETERNAL BLISS by a href="">WordWarior - [Alt]
JUNGLE REIGN by a href="">WordWarior - [Alt]
FAMILY AFFAIRS by a href="">Xero - [Alt]
FOR THE LOVE OF... by a href="">Xero - [Alt]
MADNESS by a href="">Sarah Miller - [Alt]
RAVENSARA by a href="">Raine - [Alt]
REGRET by a href="">Extra22
JOURNEY'S END by a href="">L.J. Maas - new chapters
TROPICAL HIGH by a href="">Missy Good - new part
a href=""> MaryD Story Cover
- Inspired by the story REDEMPTION by a href="">Sword'n'Quill
a href=""> Raine Story Cover
- Inspired by the story RAVENSARA by a href="">Raine
JUST BETWEEN RANKS by a href="">G.L. Dartt - [Alt]
Tuesday, 9/5/00 |
Added the following to the General Fanfic Articles sections of both collections:
Added the following to the General Fan Fiction Directories sections of both collections:a href="">THE ADVANTAGES OF FAN FICTION AS AN ART FORM: A SHAMELESS ESSAY by Jane Mortimer
FANTASTIC essay about why writers write fanfic and the many factors that sometimes makes it more appealing than commercial fiction even for published authors.a href="">THE ADVANTAGES OF EROTIC FAN FICTION AS AN ART FORM: A MORE SHAMELESS ESSAY by Jane Mortimer
Very insightful and at times VERY amusing, this essay takes a look at the appeal of erotic fanfic, comparing its appeal to the more traditional commercial erotica available to the sexes. Although Jane's examples and observations are primarily extrapolated from the X-FILES fandom in which she's active, her conclusions are universally relevant and should be of interest to anyone who writes or enjoys erotic fanfic in all it's wonderful, wacky, diverse manifestations.a href="">PRIVATE USES OF CYBERSPACE: WOMEN, DESIRE, AND FAN CULTURE by Sharon Cumberland
Presented as a paper at the Media in Transition Conference at MIT on October 8, 1999, this essay discusses the involvement of women in fanfic and how this Internet genre has created a forum for women to write and share erotica geared specifically toward their interests. The writer is a fan of actor Antonio Banderas but discusses fanfic from several different fandoms including Xena, Star Trek, and Highlander.a href="">SPOCK DOES MULDER WOMAN-WRITTEN 'SLASH' FICTION COUPLES MALE CHARACTERS FROM FILM AND TV by Neva Chonin - in a href="">SF GATE Sept. 30, 1999
A humorous look at the world of slash fanfic, tracing its evolution from mostly m/m fiction to the f/f fiction that is now growing increasingly popular with the emergence of strong female heroes on TV and in the movies.a href="">TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE: 150 YEARS OF MARY SUE by Pat Pflieger
A look at one of the most enduring character types in fan fiction - the much-used, often hated but still popular Mary Sue, recognizable to fanfic readers as a projection of the author into the story itself.a href="">THE X-RATED FILES by Austin Bunn - in a href="">BRILLS CONTENT May 2000
Comprehensive article about the history, development and current state of slash fanfic on the Net.
With the goal of listing all the fanfic-related sites on the Internet, this site is well organized featuring a number of different categories and fandoms.a href="">SATYRICON AU GO GO by The Riddler
Huge slash archive featuring fanfic from many different fandoms. The collection of links to other sites is particularly impressive.
Added the following to the Foreign Language XWP Fan Fiction section of the Xena collection:
a href="">BIENVENIDO A MI MUNDO by Alexa
Features original Spanish fanfic and English translations of some of these.a href="">ILUSIA: LA MORADA DE XENA SUBTEXTO by Kitiara
Features original Spanish fanfic.
Removed the following stories from the LOST STORIES page since they are now once again available on the Web. Many thanks to Kym Taborn for pointing them out: |
ARMAGEDDON TIRED OF CONQUERING! by a href="">Joanna - [Alt]
FOR THE LOVE OF CLICHES by a href="">WordWarior - [Alt]
DAY AFTER (THE) by a href="">Journs - [Alt]
- Added to the UNFINISHED STORIES page
PROMISE ME by a href="">Liltrain - [Alt]
SENSITIVE CHATS II by a href="">Kamouraskan - [Alt]
UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN by a href="">IseQween
WHAT YOU CAN’T SEE... by a href="">T. Novan - [Alt]
JOURNEY'S END by a href="">L.J. Maas - new chapters
LEADER (THE) by a href="">Storm - conclusion
TROPICAL HIGH by a href="">Missy Good - new part
a href="">DEPOIS DE ROMA translated by Ana Elglin - [Alt]
- Portuguese version of: AFTER ROME by a href="">ArdentTly
a href="">RAINHA translated by Callisto - [Alt]
- Portuguese version of: QUEEN by a href="">LN James
a href="">LE REPOS DE LA GUERRIÈRE translated by Katell - [Alt]
- French version of: HOME FIRES by a href="">Roo
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story a href="">ABSOLUTION by Morrig
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story CIRCLE OF LIFE by a href="">Missy Good
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story FESTIVAL by a href="">Missy Good
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story LEAP OF FAITH by a href="">Missy Good
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story LONGEST NIGHT (THE) by a href="">Missy Good
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story PROMISES TO KEEP by L. Graham
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story PROMISES KEPT by a href="">Missy Good
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story RESA by a href="">Journs
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story TAKE THE WIND by a href="">Michelle L. Frazier
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story TRUTH OR DARE by a href="">WordWarior
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story WITH FALTERING STEPS by a href="">Tonya Muir
a href=""> Ciegra Story Cover
- Inspired by the story WINTER'S ENDING by a href="">Missy Good
a href=""> "Lord Conqueror" by Deb Kern
- Inspired by the story JOURNEY'S END by a href="">L.J. Maas
JUST BETWEEN PAST AND PRESENT by a href="">G.L. Dartt - [Alt]
July/Aug. 2000 May/June 2000 Mar./Apr. 2000 Jan./Feb. 2000 Nov./Dec. 1999 |
Sept./Oct. 1999 July/Aug. 1999 May/June 1999 |
Alternative Reviews: |
General Reviews: |
Uber-Xena and Original Fiction Reviews: |
Holiday Tales: |
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